CBIS product development is an all-inclusive Farm to Bedside program, allowing us complete quality control. Our Drug Development Program starts with defining the effectiveness and specificity of cannabinoids, next identifying and testing drug delivery mechanisms, and finally testing and evaluating the impact of co-interventions and the application of additional diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures to participants in randomized controlled trials. We have 2 pharmacies open in California, and a line of CBIS products ranging from inhalation aerosols, to drops, patches, capsules, extracts, creams, balms, and much more.


Cannabis Inhalation Aerosol
Cannabinoid based inhalation medicine for Asthma/COPD. This MDI device offers the ingestion of the Medication in a finer Particle mist than the Nebulizer version which can be quickly absorbed by the Lungs and spread into the Blood Stream for quicker response time. Rescue Inhalers cannot replace Nebulizer Medications but the portability of these devices gives the Asthma/COPD sufferer freedom to be out enjoying life knowing their medication is at hand if needed.

Solace Drops
Our Solace Drops is a glycerin-based tincture that is formulated to treat symptoms of PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain and more. Its high THC potency ensures effective results with self-titration, allowing you to customize your dosage according to your comfort level. You may also add it to your favorite beverage.

Relief Tonic
The Relief Tonic is an organic, all-natural infusion of natural antidotes and cannabis extract for temporary relief of cough, cold, and flu symptoms such as minor throat irritations and insomnia. It contains antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties from organic strain-specific flowers.

Healing Balm
A unique blend of Coconut Oil, Beeswax, and Tea Tree Oil designed to treat discomfort associated with muscle and joint pains, dry skin, Arthritis, Anxiety, Cold and Flu, and more. It contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and provides pain relief on targeted areas. Available in THC, CBD, and Hempseed varieties.

Wholesome Honey Oil
Infused with full-spectrum OG Kush Indica cannabis oil, Cannabis Science’s raw and organic Wholesome Honey contains 46mg THC and 55mg CBN to produce calming effects that help with anxiety and stress. Our high quality full-spectrum cannabis oil is highly effective at treating gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, inflammation and fungal infections as it contains the benefits of all the cannabinoids and terpenes that cannabis has to offer.

Transdermal Patch
Cannabis Science Transdermal Patch is a medicated adhesive patch that is placed on the skin to deliver a specific dose of medication through the skin and into the bloodstream. Often, this promotes healing to an injured area of the body.

CBD Rectal Suppository
The Cannabis Science Rectal Suppository is used for pain relief and relaxation. This product has moderate dosing, increased bioavailability, a low psychoactive effect, and offers a broad spectrum of medical effects due to its 1:1 ration of Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Product ingredients include organic cocoa butter and organic coconut oil infused with the flowers of two different CBD varieties.

Hemp CBD Capsules
Our CBD Capsules are a dietary supplement carefully derived from Non-GMO, full-spectrum Hemp oil that contains an abundance of active cannabinoids. Each capsule is designed to promote general well-being and ease temporary bodily discomfort by strengthening the endocannabinoid system.